Home Sex Tips Try a Threesome

Try a Threesome

Threesomes occur when three people get together for consensual sexual play. The combination may involve any of the following: two women and one man, two men and one woman, or three men or three women.

The choice is up to you and your sexual preference. Sometimes the desire for a threesome arises out of one partner’s desire to experiment with the opposite sex, or if a partner is bisexual, to have his or her sexual needs met by someone of the same sex.

Try a Threesome

Try a Threesome

How to have a threesome?

To have a successful threesome, it’s important to pay attention to the needs of your partner and the ground rules you’ve discussed before beginning.

If there was to be no penetration, asking your partner just before someone penetrates you if that’s okay is not a good idea. Respect the rules if you want to keep your relationship in good standing.

You’ll also want to try and divide your attention as evenly as you can.

While you won’t have an egg timer or anything, try to give both of your lovers equal attention so neither becomes bored or jealous. (Oh, and to avoid any early morning awkwardness, it’s probably best to send the third party home that night.)

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